Usually I listen to music to enter a focused state of mind. When I'm writing, I usually have a set of thoughts going on in the back of my head, and these are sometimes not related to my writing. So what I do to "guide them" and use those thoughts in my favor is to put on pair of headphones and listen to a specific type of music; one that relates the most to the topic, scenery, and character I'm writing about.
During the writing of Despondency, I frequently listened to Ashley Wallbridge's music, specifically the album titled "The Inner Me".
I bought the album upon reading the title, and I was very thrilled to find that the music truly did invite you to delve into one's self. There is one song I particularly liked to listen to while in "creative mode". It's called Ibiza. This is perhaps my favorite song of the album:
I really enjoy when artists help one another indirectly. From one end, Ashley's music promotes my creations and helps me organize my thoughts; in the other hand, I'm sure many books have inspired artists around the world to create amazing pieces of art.